

  台灣雕塑家黃土水(1895∼1930)、黃清埕(1912∼1943)、蒲添生(1912∼1996)、陳夏雨(1917∼2000)先後赴日本進入東京美術學校或是雕塑家私塾學習西洋雕塑。當時日本雕塑界以深受西洋近代雕塑之父羅丹(Auguste Rodin, 1840∼1917)雕塑風格的影響,這批台灣雕塑發展的先驅,因為師承的關係,學習的雖是傳承自羅丹觀念技巧的西洋雕塑,但已滲入日本風骨,亦即並非一味講究西洋寫實表現的造型與技法,也融入自身文化中觀照自然、體察人性的精神實踐,並追求自我的風格。他們努力將所學在台灣傳承,將台灣的雕塑發展帶向嶄新的現代化里程。


黃清埕(1912∼1943) 頭像
約1940 23×20×26.5cm 石膏 高雄市立美術館典藏


Transplant of Modern Japanese Culture
—Introduction of Western Sculpture to Taiwan

After the defeat of the Qing Dynasty in the Sino-Japa-ness War in 1895, Taiwan was ceded to Japan. In the following five decodes, Taiwan was a colony of Japan and started to be indirectly exposed to Western modern culture when Japan underwent its westernizations.

Several Taiwan sculptors, such as Huang Tu-shui, Huang Ching-cheng, Pu Tien-shen and Chen Hsia-yu went to Japan and studied at Tokyo College of Art or under private tutoring by Japanese sculptors. Most of the Japanese sculptors back then were deeply influenced by style of Auguste Rodin, father of  Western modern sculpture. Even though these pioneering Taiwanese sculptors learned from their teachers the skills and concepts of Western sculpture, which unavoidably also kept Japanese spirits, they did not blindly acquire Western realistic styles and expressions without integrating the philosophy about nature from Chinese cultures and also their findings from the observation of humanity. In addition to pursuing their own styles, they tried to pass down in Taiwan what they had learned abroad, setting a brand-new milestone in the history of Taiwan's sculpture development.

Modeled after the Salon, the French official art exhibitions, the Bunten (Japanese Ministry of Education's Art Exhibition) and the following Tieten (Japan Imperial Art Exhibition) were the two important platforms for artists back then in Japan to display their creations. Both Japanese and Taiwanese artists regarded being selected in either of the two exhibitions as defining event of their artistic achievements. Huang Tu-shui, Huang Ching-cheng, Pu Tien-shen and Chen Hsia-yu all won recognition from the Japanese artist's circle after they were selected in the Tieten. During the Japanese colonization, the system of official exhibition was naturally introduced into Taiwan. The Taiden ( Taiwan Art Exhibition), established in 1927,and the Fuden (Government-general Art Exhibition), launched in 1938, both became major stages for artistic presentations in Taiwan. However, neither of two Taiwanese official exhibitions included the category of sculpture.

Pu Tien-shen(1912∼1996) Light of Spring
1958 175×48×51cm Bronze
Collection of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts